Why your restaurants should consider a Smartpro Grease Interceptor and Alarm System
Grease traps (Grease Interceptors) are often pumped too often because pumping intervals are set using a best guess to ensure compliance. If the interceptor tank is pumped too often, clients could be paying thousands of dollars in unnecessary pumping costs. If an interceptor is not pumped often enough, there could be significant amounts of grease moving down into the sewer system creating a risk of clogs or government penalties. The SmartPro connected interceptor monitor ensures people know exactly when a tank needs to be pumped.
If a grease interceptor gets too full of solids and grease, it can cause serious problems for the restaurant and the sewer system. Some of the possible consequences are:
- Drain clogs and backups: When the grease interceptor is full, it cannot trap the fats, oil, and grease (FOG) effectively, and they can flow into the drain pipes. This can cause blockages and backups in the pipes, which can result in flooding, foul odors, and health hazards.
- Sewer overflows: When the FOG reaches the sewer system, it can accumulate and harden on the walls of the sewer pipes, reducing their capacity and causing obstructions. This can lead to sewage overflows into the environment or into other buildings, which can damage property, harm wildlife, and contaminate water sources.
- Fines and penalties: When a restaurant causes a grease-related problem in the sewer system, it can face enforcement actions from the city or the sewer authority. The restaurant may be liable for any damages caused by the sewer overflow, and may also have to pay fines or penalties for violating the local codes and regulations.

To prevent these problems, it is important to maintain the grease interceptor regularly and properly. It is generally accepted that a grease interceptor should be cleaned when it reaches 25% capacity of FOG and solids (though many engineered grease interceptors can hold much more). The cleaning should be done by a licensed professional who can follow the proper procedures and dispose of the waste safely.
But how do you know when your grease trap is at 25% capacity? That’s why you need a SmartPro! SmartPro™ is a complete line of monitoring systems – now available in wireless radio, cell network or gateway cloud connectivity. SmartPro provides visibility to a grease interceptor’s grease levels, solids, and temperature to minimize operational risk and ensure compliance.

“One JPG customer went from pumping every month for compliance to pumping every quarter based on their actual need,” says John Geiling, President and CEO, JPG Plumbing & Mechanical. “The data presents itself through the SmartPro System. At $450 dollars per pump at 200 stores, this customer could save up to $720,000 a year.”
Click here to learn more!
FOG buildup turns Baltimore’s sewers into ‘Fatberg’
are constantly battling the FOG (fats,
oils, grease) buildup in their sewers. Baltimore recently found a huge buildup that they now are calling “fatberg”. The FOG was blocking up to 85% of the pipe in some areas. According to DPW officials, the fatberg removal will cost about $60,000. There are reports of a similar buildup in London’s sewer system that is taking weeks to breakdown. You can read the full story here: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-fatberg-20170925-story.html
Cities are cracking down on restaurants and foodservice facilities to take control of their wastewater. Drain-Net helps facility prevent FOG buildup with a wide range of products. We offer all types of strainers, grease traps, and all-natural drain defender products that help breakdown FOG. Please visit our website or contact us today for help.
One Product – Many Names
Drain-Net has developed a highly popular waste interceptor product line we call GDRU’s. However, this commercial kitchen necessity can be called many things.
We call it a GDRU (Garbage Disposal Replacement Unit) because it can replace mechanical garbage disposals which have been outlawed in a number of states. Instead of grinding the food waste and wasting precious freshwater for flushing, the strainer-drawer in GDRU strains solid particles under the pre-rinse sink when dirty dishes are being pre-rinsed, affecting a much needed pretreatment process of restaurant wastewater.
A GDRU can also be called an “Indirect Waste Interceptor”.
Many states such as New York and New Jersey have passed laws that require restaurants to install indirect waste units. A typical plumbing code states, “Indirect waste connections shall be provided for drains, overflows, or relief vents from the water supply system, and no piping or equipment carrying wastes or producing wastes or other discharges under pressure shall be directly connected to any part of the drainage system.” Our versatile GDRU’s can easily be installed to meet this requirement. An air gap can be created before the inlet or after the outlet to meet the indirect connection requirement.
A GDRU can also be called a “Grease Trap Pre-Strainer.”
Grease Traps and Grease Interceptors primary function is to separate grease from wastewater. However, debris filled water can quickly accumulate in a grease trap, rendering it ineffective. A GDRU should be installed before waste water reaches a grease trap. Commercial kitchens who install Garbage Disposal Replacement Units see a dramatic improvement in grease trap functionality and can reduce grease trap service visits.
Believe it or not a GDRU can go by even more names such as an “Indirect Waste Separator,” “Food Waste Separator,” “Flat Strainer,” “Indirect liquid waste separator,” or a “Wet Waste Interceptor. Whatever you call the product, you can be sure that your restaurant or commercial kitchen will stay compliant with local plumbing codes and that your drains stay free of food waste.
Click here to view our Garbage Disposal Replacement Unit product line
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Drain-Net is now on Twitter. Follow us at: http://twitter.com/#!/DrainNetOnline
Our Twitter page is a great forum for you to give us product feedback, ask questions, and get product updates and special web deals.
Pre-Strainers: The Key to a working Grease Trap!
Did you know that as solid waste collects in your grease trap the capacity is diminished, decreasing its ability to separate and capture grease, even to the point of complete ineffectiveness? The best product to keep your grease trap operating correctly is a Grease Trap Pre-Strainer.
One of the primary causes of drain clogging and backflow in restaurants is the waste and debris that comes from food preparation and ware-washing sinks. These grease trap pre-strainers intercept 98% of solid particles from wastewater before they reach your drains, grease trap, and facility piping. Features of the Grease Trap Pre-Strainer include:
- Removable tray allows user to empty solids into a trash receptacle in seconds
- One unit can handle multiple sinks (up to 18 gallons per minute)
- Adjustable height for easy installation
- 2” connection from either side
- Durable stainless steel construction
Click here to view Drain-Net’s full product line of Grease Trap Pre-Strainers.
Custom Grease Trap Solutions
Do you need to a grease trap replacement?
All foodservice establishments need to have a grease trap or grease interceptor to keep fats, oils and grease (F.O.G.) from entering your sewer line and the public sewer line. Grease traps can be located inside or outside of your kitchen. They hold wastewater so that the grease can solidify and separate so that the grease can be disposed properly.
Krispy Kreme sued for $20 million for greasy waste
Did you know, as a restaurant or commercial kitchen, you can be held responsible for the grease that your exits your facility? In 2009, Fairfax County, Va., officials sued Krispy Kreme for $20 million, alleging that years of greasy waste from a donut plant had fouled up the sewer system. “The ‘excess fats, oils and grease’ have built up in the system, destroying iron pipes, mechanical pumps and other equipment and caused leaks, according to court filings.” You can read more of the article here.
Don’t let this happen to you! Drain-Net can equip your restaurant or commercial kitchen with the equipment you need to make you compliant with local ordinances and keep your sewer water grease-free. Drain-Net offers Grease Traps, Grease Monitors, Basket strainers, and much more.
Welcome to the official Drain-Net blog!
Most people recognize the value of maintaining our cars, buildings, equipment, and even our own bodies. One reason we do this is because it saves us money in the long run. No one thinks twice about changing your oil every few months because we know that if we don’t, the engine will eventually breakdown and fail.
Sadly, too many people take this approach with their drains. They let trash, debris, and grease continue to go down them until the pipes clog and fail. The only option left is to call a plumber to do an emergency fix. Some postpone the inevitable drain clog with dangerous chemicals, but this only puts a band-aid on the problem and can be costly as well.
Your plumber can fix your drain clog, but can they prevent it from ever happening again? Drain-Net takes a completely different approach than your plumber. Over the years we have worked with business owners and homeowners to develop the very best in preventative plumbing products.
If you are tired of repeatedly calling the plumber and paying for costly cleanings and repairs, try giving us a call or visit www.drain-net.com to learn how you can permanently eliminate your drain problems. In addition to preventing drain clogs, our products can help cure other drain issues such as foul odors, sewer flies, health code violations, and wet slippery floors. If you’re not using a Drain-Net, you might as well be throwing money down the drain.
With that said, we would like to welcome you to the official Drain-Net blog! Your friends at Drain-Net will be working to make this the number one internet resource and community for preventative plumbing solutions. And finally, we encourage our readers to make posts about their experiences with drain related issues. Don’t be afraid to post questions so that we or one of our readers can help you out. Thanks for visiting and we will see you again!
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