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Posts from the ‘Featured Product’ Category


Ultra-Grate Guard®: Protection for Storm Drains and Catch Basins

Did you know that Drain-Net offers waste water management solutions?  Drain-Net’s Ultra-Grate Guard® helps you comply with stormwater pollution prevention plans and Stormwater Best Management practices by protecting your storm drains and catch basins.  It’s the sure way to capture sediment, silt, debris and other runoff before they enter our storm drains and sewers.  The Oil and Sediment (O/S) Model comes equipped with an oil absorbent pillow.  The Sediment Only (SED) Model is ideal for construction managers and building owners who want to protect their stormwater drains during construction.  View this product and more at our online store:

  • For use with flat grate catch basins
  • Allows run-off to flow through while blocking sediment and/or capturing oil
  • Standard and custom sizes available
  • Helps comply with NPDES, 40 CFR 122.26 (1999) when used as Best Management Practice in Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

Ultra-Grate Guard helps you comply with Stormwater pollution prevention plans


Hard to reach floor sinks – NO PROBLEM!

Every floor sink needs to have a strainer basket to keep food, trash, and debris out of their floor sink drains.  However, sometimes these floor sinks are hard to reach, making it difficult to empty and maintain.  Drain-Net has solved this problem with the Extedo-Net.  Drain-Net can add an extending handle to any floor sink basket for easy installation and removal.  Choose the length you need (standard sizes includ 1,2,3, and 4 feet long).  Get yours today!


Drain-Net is now on Twitter!

Drain-Net is now on Twitter.  Follow us at:!/DrainNetOnline

Our Twitter page is a great forum for you to give us product feedback, ask questions, and get product updates and special web deals.


Pre-Strainers: The Key to a working Grease Trap!

Did you know that as solid waste collects in your grease trap the capacity is diminished, decreasing its ability to separate and capture grease, even to the point of complete ineffectiveness?  The best product to keep your grease trap operating correctly is a Grease Trap Pre-Strainer.

One of the primary causes of drain clogging and backflow in restaurants is the waste and debris that comes from food preparation and ware-washing sinks. These grease trap pre-strainers intercept 98% of solid particles from wastewater before they reach your drains, grease trap, and facility piping.  Features of the Grease Trap Pre-Strainer include:

  • Removable tray allows user to empty solids into a trash receptacle in seconds
  • One unit can handle multiple sinks (up to 18 gallons per minute)
  • Adjustable height for easy installation
  • 2” connection from either side
  • Durable stainless steel construction

Click here to view Drain-Net’s full product line of Grease Trap Pre-Strainers.


Welcome to the official Drain-Net blog!

Most people recognize the value of maintaining our cars, buildings, equipment, and even our own bodies.  One reason we do this is because it saves us money in the long run.  No one thinks twice about changing your oil every few months because we know that if we don’t, the engine will eventually breakdown and fail.

Sadly, too many people take this approach with their drains.  They let trash, debris, and grease continue to go down them until the pipes clog and fail. The only option left is to call a plumber to do an emergency fix.  Some postpone the inevitable drain clog with dangerous chemicals, but this only puts a band-aid on the problem and can be costly as well.

Your plumber can fix your drain clog, but can they prevent it from ever happening again?  Drain-Net takes a completely different approach than your plumber.   Over the years we have worked with business owners and homeowners to develop the very best in preventative plumbing products.

If you are tired of repeatedly calling the plumber and paying for costly cleanings and repairs, try giving us a call or visit to learn how you can permanently eliminate your drain problems.  In addition to preventing drain clogs, our products can help cure other drain issues such as foul odors, sewer flies, health code violations, and wet slippery floors.  If you’re not using a Drain-Net, you might as well be throwing money down the drain.

With that said, we would like to welcome you to the official Drain-Net blog!  Your friends at Drain-Net will be working to make this the number one internet resource and community for preventative plumbing solutions.  And finally, we encourage our readers to make posts about their experiences with drain related issues.  Don’t be afraid to post questions so that we or one of our readers can help you out.  Thanks for visiting and we will see you again!

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